Esther De Angelis; writer, designer & coach, Bristol, UK
“Shivani’s Yin yoga teaching is clear, energising and insightful. This deep holding practice with conscious breath, facilitates expansion on all levels and is beautifully guided. Shivani’s care & the integrity of her teaching, despite being from a distance, is ever present during our yoga sessions together. I am very thankful for her experience, wisdom & love.
Amber PQ, Community Health Professional, East Grinstead
“Shivani’s Yoga is a welcome balm in my week. With her wisdom, compassion & love Shivani creates a restorative refuge from the demands of daily doing. It allows me to slow down, be present and reconnect with my inner self. What a deep joy and fulfilment this brings to my spirit.”
Vima P, Carer & Meditator, E.Sussex
During the Yoga & Sound Healing sessions Shivani took us through a few yin exercises to connect us to body & breath & open us ready to receive the sound healing. Then she took me to a deep, velvety place where I was gently washed by sound. It was incredibly peaceful. Forty minutes of healing felt like five. I'm hooked!
M.A, 50, Visionary healer, London, Sussex & Japan
“Shivani is a very gifted, passionate, loving & caring person. She shares all the resources she has gained over the years, in the sessions, in holistic & balanced ways. Her encouragement and planning for making time to connect with my creativity were most useful. She has helped me to achieve some very important things and I feel more motivated to live my life fully.”
Jo H.L, Entrepreneur & Healer, Portugal.
“My coaching conversations, by telephone, with Shivani Maria, helped me to see where I am at & what I need to achieve, to focus, giving me new ideas, enthusiasm, and a clearer direction of what I need to do step by step. So, I would like to thank you Shivani for your time & love.”
Harmony Isgolde, Space holder, Masseuse, Mother. Totnes, Devon
What I love about Shivani’s approach, through her Yin yoga, is that you don’t have to try hard to find peace, and I don’t have to try hard to find my relief, my release, and my letting go. I can just follow her guidance, the practices, and gently allow whatever needs to emerge to emerge, and I can be with that, it’s not too much. It’s just what I need.
Isobelle W, Retired Teacher & Counsellor, E Sussex
Really felt very relaxed after the sound bath , a mixture of singing bowls , gongs , gorgeous tinkling bells and a rain drum . The feeling afterwards was a spacious quality internally but alert . I went for healing for chronic lymphodema. Really enjoyed the mix of yin yoga and deep relaxation . I slept so well that night . Shivani works in a really interesting and therapeutic way with this unique combination of these beautiful healing instruments and yin yoga . Highly recommend this and booked on her workshop to experience more of the deep healing .
H.D, Designer & Co-Creative, London & Bali
“From my experience with Shivani, I truly believe she is at the precipice of modern -age synthesis; combining modalities together, to create an entirely unique practice. By combining reflective coaching methods with sonic sounds & Yin Yoga, i was able to experience on a physical (Yin), Mental (Reflective) and Meta physical (Sound) level, a complete experience that can only be described as ,
Total alignment.